6th Annual Toms River Pride
Brought to you by B98.5!
With inclusivity and collaboration at the core of our mission, the Toms River Pride Committee and Exit 82 Theatre Company invite the community to participate in Toms River's 6th Annual LGBTQIA2S+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual/Ally, Two Spirit, Plus) Pride Festival, taking place on Washington Street in Downtown Toms River on Saturday, June 15th! It is our hope that this ever-growing tradition will spark meaningful collaboration that not only benefits the evolving Downtown District, but advances our mission of fostering a safe and welcoming environment for members and allies of the LGBT+ community in the Greater Ocean County area and our neighboring counties.
Event Details
Saturday, June 15th, 11am - 5pm on Washington Street in Downtown Toms River
This festival welcomes all, including families.
Enjoy food, vendors, performances, shopping, and festivities!​
ASL Interpreters will be present at all mainstage performances.
Thank you to everyone who have made the Toms River Pride festival a success since 2019! View the IMPACT HERE.
Get Involved
Attend Pride with friends & family
Make your nomination for the Pride Advocate Award
Follow the @TomsRiverPrideFacebook page
Let's Collaborate!​
To discuss opportunities or participate as an official Pride partner, organizers can be contacted at exit82theatre@gmail.com. We are seeking volunteers, businesses, community organizations, artists, craftsmen, and performers to make this a memorable celebration!
Pride Advocate Awards
Make your nomination for New Jersey's most impactful LGBTQIA+ advocates and allies!​​​